17 weeks


Your baby’s weight has doubled in two weeks and now weighs about 3.5 ounces! The crown-to-rump length of your growing baby is 4.4 to 4.8 inches. If you spread your hand out opened wide, you can see about how big your baby is.

Your uterus is moving up and is now approximately 1.5 to 2 inches below your navel. You are showing more now and there is a noticeable swelling in your abdomen. At this point in your pregnancy, a 5 to 10 pound weight gain is normal. Other people can probably feel the difference in your lower abdomen if they were to rub your tummy. To be the most comfortable, you should be wearing maternity clothes or clothing that is too large for you. You may have felt your baby move already. However, you might not feel it move every day at this point. As your pregnancy progresses, movements become stronger and more frequent. Feeling your baby move can help reassure you that your baby is doing well. You might also notice that your gums or nose bleed occasionally. This is from the increased blood volume that puts pressure on small blood vessels and capillaries.

Huge changes continue to take place within your developing baby. This week fat begins to form and will continue to do so until he is born. Fat is important to the body’s heat production and metabolism. Right now, at 17 weeks, water makes up about 3 ounces and fat 0.018 ounces of your baby’s body. In a baby at term, fat makes up about 5.25 pounds of the total average weight of 7.7 pounds. The placenta is continuing to grow at an amazing rate. The placenta will continue to develop in tandem with the fetus and it will weigh more than a pound at birth! By this week, the placenta is large and well established with a network of blood vessels that exchange nutrients and waste.

The eyes are facing more forward. The ears are now close to their final position.

Your baby is more flexible with ability to move head, mouth, lips, arms, wrists, hands, legs, feet, and toes.

Fingerprints are forming now.

Midwife appointment in 3.5 hours

Wow, I’m REALLY excited to have my appointment today, yiiiiiiiiiiii.

I haven’t heard the heartbeat yet, neither has Tys or Cayden, so I’m sure we will hear it today. (The midwives heard it last appointment btw, but baby was too fast for my ears to hear)

I’m feeling SOoooooo pregnant, so it gets more exciting to hear about progress with the midwife I guess. I’m feeling huge-amungus, and there’s tons of growth spurts in baby, and pressure, ohhhhh the pressure. Last night was the most movement and kicks I’ve felt so far, it actually kept me awake.

I’m 17 weeks this Thursday. Will update with fetus pic tomorrow or next day.

16 weeks

At this point of your pregnancy, your baby is approximately 4.3 to 4.6 inches long and weighs 2.8 ounces. Not only is your baby growing, your uterus and placenta continue to grow to accommodate the growing baby inside of you! Just six weeks ago, your uterus weighed about 5 ounces. This week it now weighs 8.75 ounces! The amniotic fluid that surrounds the baby is increasing and there is about 7.5 ounces of fluid. You will easily be able to feel your uterus approximately three inches below your navel.
Your milk glands start production at this time and this causes some tenderness and swelling in early pregnancy. Your veins will become more visible because there is an increased amount of blood flowing to the breasts.

History of Halloween

15 week pics of me:

15 weeks! *sneeze*

I’m a bit sicky, ugh!

Yuck, yuck, yuck!

But I’m 15 weeks, so thats exciting 🙂

4 inches long, size of a softball. It’s quite active lately.

Worldwide babywearing pictures

These pictures are amazing! I’m so inspired! I already believe that babywearing is essential for babies but seeing these different carries makes me want to try out even more carriers.


Hello 2nd Trimester!

14 weeks today, yowza!

I’m feeling quite a bit better. We are pretty sure Tyson felt the baby move last night. He felt a little bit of vibration feelings on my uterus, and thats what I feel, so yay! Thats so fast!

Cayden is nursing about 3 times a day but I’m feeling my milk get less and less, so I’m thinking that he will wean in the next 2 months or so, thats my prediction anyway.

My favorate Muffin Recipe – pumpkin!

We pick pumpkins at the patch specifically for these muffins. I also make a loaf or too, and they are extra moist and fluffy, yum!

Professor McGonigal’s Magical Pumpkin Muffins

Everyone knows pumpkins are magical – and these muffins are magically delicious. They’re also perfect with a bowl of Bertie Bott’s Chili!

1½ cups all-purpose flour
2 tsp baking powder
½ tsp baking soda
½ tsp cinnamon
¼ tsp nutmeg
½ cup pumpkin purée (canned or homemade)
½ cup brown sugar
½ cup plain yogurt
¼ cup vegetable oil
1 egg
additional granulated (or large crystal) sugar for topping

Preheat the oven to 400°F. Grease a 12-cup muffin pan (or use paper liners).

In a large bowl, stir together the flour, baking powder, baking soda, cinnamon and nutmeg. Set aside.

In a medium bowl, whisk together the pumpkin purée, brown sugar, yogurt, vegetable oil and egg until well blended. Pour into the flour mixture and stir just until combined (don’t over-mix, a few small lumps are OK).

Spoon batter into the prepared muffin pan, filling the cups all the way to the top. Sprinkle the tops as magically as possible with the additional sugar.

Bake for 20 to 25 minutes, or until the tops spring back when you touch them.


Thirteen Weeks


Wowee! Baby is the size of a peach! It has a distinguishable gender already!

Last night I definatly felt different. I can feel that my uterus is larger and heavier. It feels like I ate a small cantelope whole, and its floating behind my pelvis.

I have decided to get an ultrasound for this pregnancy. I didn’t want one unless it was medically needed. Seeing my midwife last week she convinced me that seeing as I was having a homebirth it’s good to know where the placenta is lying. If it is too low there could be hemorrage, and that word hemorrage makes me sick to my stomach…so that’s medical reason enough for me. It will happen after 20 weeks.

I have to get blood work done soon and I’m a bit nervous. Last pregnancy I fainted and hit my head while it was being done, so needless to say, I need to lie down while its being done, and I definatly need Tyson there too.

Last time I was pregnant I was doing trapeze for a month or so. Cayden is a circus monkey and is this huge physically amazing little guy. This preg, I’m taking a comedy class, so I’m wondering if this baby will come out laughing 🙂

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